Outhouse Birdhouses

The outhouse birdhouse was probably one of the first types of birdhouses I started making.   I had seen a picture of one on a website and thought several things:  1) Hey that's kinda cool!  2) Hey, that looks easy to make and 3) Hey, I got some old boards, lets go make one!

I don't remember for sure, however, I do know it did not take me long to finish....probably less than an hour.  It was a little wobbly - as are many of my houses - due to warped boards and trying, at times, to follow the natural flow of the wood.....but it looked good and it was fun. 

There were some old hinges lying around so added those, found an expired license plate for the roof and an old house number that I put on the back as another decoration.   I tried my hand at a little wood carving and wood burning....but obviously not my forte.  Not terrible, but certainly not the vision I had in mind.

This first one went into my tree and was soon occupied!

Since that one, dozens have been made in all shapes and designs.  In a future post, I'll write about the Sea Shanty Series...which was an offshoot of the Outhouse.

All of my birdhouses are made from recycled materials.   Wood I have had lying around for years, wood scraps, old pallets, construction site throw offs....basically anywhere I can find wood lying around that would make a good house...I'll grab it and use it.  I do pay for some wood, but only Cull wood - again scraps that would be thrown out.

If you are interested in having a little outhouse in your back yard.... check out my website on Etsy.... just click the icon below!


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